Student support begins in August: The hub for school heroes

The system of record for documentation, insight and community engagement.


Keep students & schools safe.

Protect your students by understanding risk and documenting support:

  • Risk assessments and documentation guardrails
  • HIPAA-grade encryption, monitoring and auditability
  • Intuitive, fine-grain access control, SSO and 2FA

Answer any question.

Uncover patterns & allocate resources to deliver support where it's needed most:

  • All of your teams' notes organized, searchable and filterable
  • Rich analytics with beautiful, pre-built visualizations
  • Student profiles with the information that matters
  • Track direct and indirect support activities across teams

Do more with less.

Tools that embed into existing workflows to save time:

  • Flexible documentation patterns tailored to school support
  • Seamless integrations with your school’s technology
  • Workflow tools, turnkey reporting, universal search

August serves multiple roles within a school


We seamlessly integrate with your key systems so you never double-enter data

Service & Security

Rapid response and dedicated 
support for clients of all sizes

We cherish our customer relationships and treat each as a partner with regular feedback meetings, multiple support channels and the fastest customer service timelines in the field

Protecting student information 
is our first-order responsibility

Each school or district has a dedicated and partitioned platform instance with HIPAA-grade encryption and 2FA, SSO and VPN available out-of-the-box.

About August


We care.


We serve.


We simplify.


We excel.

Learn more about how you can use August.

Get started today

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